Saturday, October 11, 2008

Desire of the Impossible

I was reminded very rudely recently of the very nature of desires n dreams. The circumstances that brought about the realization apart, the first thing that it reminded me of was the lecture scene in the beginning of the movie "The Life of David Gale". It said something similar in spirit to the following--

Desires are bound and supposed to be outlandish. Something that's impossible. That's beyond our reach. The very notion of a dream being achievable takes it away from the realm of dream and puts it into the arena of reality.

As human beings i believe we are meant to live on dreams. The day we stop dreaming. We stop growing in our life. One may still say that one is happy(in their own interpretation of the word). But there will always be that void that gets created due to the lack of the NEW. So just go ahead and dream the Impossible. And keep on dreaming. And the day u think that u have achieved the impossible. Well its never too late to dream again.... :-) ...

P.S. A lil footnote. I prefer keeping my dreams to myself. I think so should u.

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