Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The need for a parallel universe

My last drought of words was in November 2008 so i cant say that its an yearly phenomenon. Anyways i am back here...

Getting started with the point. I have been deluged with information recently, and the the number of things happening together is accelerating the flow too... There is the two sides of the Maoist story, the number of views on the India-Pakistan relations, the cacophony that surrounds and discussion on sports in India, there is the never ending debate on religion and atheism,.... there is even the small stories about the people struggling with the system in my college...

And in the middle of all this is me trying to get a picture in my mind of how things really are, what would be the "right" thing to do in each of the cases, and that's when i hit a block and a realisation stuck. No matter how open minded we are, and ready to accept all sides of the story, our conclusions are always going to be biased. For the simple reason that we can't live through both sides of our decisions. We cant live two lives and experience them all. Even if we can, and have the time there is the problem of your second life being tainted by virtue of you living your first life.

For those of you who have seen "Deja Vu", its like the fact that even after living on both sides of the story, there will be a self of your that will be unaware of what happened.

Among all this i have often remembered the parallel universe or the many worlds theory in quantum, i hope its right. And we find a way to see into them. At least we will know what happens when we make a different decision(i don't want any comments relating to the Lost series :) ). Until then I will ask forgiveness for my biased opinions and would like to assure those affected by them, that they were taken with the best of intentions.


Khalil Sawant said...

There will be Bias.
Theory of Relativity : There is no universal frame of reference.

Anant Bhushan said...

Well, i try my best to see all sides of the story. But it was only recently i got around to the fact that I was being biased in spite of wanting to be otherwise... Hence the post... :(

Sh@s said...

It is difficult not to tilt but even then we can try to take a middle or a better path which would cause minimum damage to both the sides. I know my suggestion may sound impossible but still we can try :)